
Embracing the Unyielding Love: Meet the Extraordinary Foster Care Team at Community Youth Services

From left to right: Rebekah, Roger, Liz, Kat, Amanda and Brittany.

by Natasha Ashenhurst

As I sat down with the remarkable Community Youth Services’ Foster Care team members, my heart brimmed with admiration and curiosity. I was in awe of families who willingly opened their homes to children and youth, knowing they might bring chaos yet embracing them with open arms. Balancing my responsibilities as a parent to two teenagers, three dogs, and a handful of farm animals, I couldn’t fathom the courage and dedication it takes to welcome even more into the mix. My mind was flooded with questions, and my perspective forever shifted as I delved into the world of foster care, where love and compassion know no bounds. Please enjoy our conversation, and if it sparks an interest in learning more, the team is standing by, ready to speak with you.

Meet the team!

Prepare to be inspired as we introduce you to the extraordinary individuals behind Community Youth Services’ Foster Care program. These compassionate champions have dedicated their lives to serving a protected population, opening their hearts, and in some cases, their homes, to children and youth who may have experienced tumultuous journeys. Their stories are as diverse as they are powerful, and their unwavering commitment to making a difference will leave you in awe.


Liz, a beacon of dedication, has been an integral part of CYS for nearly eight years. Relocating from Arizona to work in community mental health, Liz found her true calling when she witnessed the transformational work being done at CYS. A lover of sourdough baking and all things nurturing, Liz’s warmth and care radiate through everything she does.

Next, meet Kat, who discovered a unique and deeply appreciative connection with CYS’s approach to gender-affirming care and their commitment to serving the queer population. Armed with creativity and a background in writing, Kat brings an artistic touch to the lives of the youth she supports, nurturing their identities and empowering them to embrace their true selves.

Brittany’s journey to the Foster Care team was a fusion of compassion, education, and a desire to be a source of hope. With a Master’s in Mental Health and Wellness and a strong emphasis on family dynamics, Brittany’s background as a foster parent and recent adoption exemplify her unwavering commitment to both learning and caring.

Roger’s journey began as an intern, and little did he know that this path would lead him to an unyielding passion for fostering positive change. A student at Saint Martin’s, he took his first steps into social work, joining CYS to learn and grow. He was recently accepted into the prestigious University of Southern California’s 16-month Masters of Social Work program, ready to make an even more significant impact.

Tiffany has been a part of the CYS team in various roles for ten years, starting with an internship at Haven House in 2013. After seven years with Haven House, she worked with the Transitional Aged Youth program for two years, then joined the Foster Care team as an Associate Case Manager. Since the age of 14, Tiffany’s dream was to find a career where she could offer compassionate, strengths-based support to youth facing challenging life circumstances. She enjoys connecting with others over art, animals, and music and offering a comfortable space for others to be their full, authentic selves.

From pursuing a degree in Applied Psychology with Honors at the University of Cumbria to fostering positive change on American soil, Isaiah journeyed far to follow his passion. Following a few leads, he joined CYS in 2017 and was instantly captivated by the team’s enthusiasm for change. He enjoys facilitating growth through ‘Game Therapy.’ By orchestrating Dungeons and Dragons sessions for Foster Youth, he crafts an environment where they learn invaluable cognitive skills, fostering teamwork and diplomacy.

In 2019, Joyce embarked on a transformative journey with CYS, stepping into the role of a foster home licensor. With seven years of dedicated personal involvement in foster care nearing its chapter’s close, she yearned for a way to sustain her connection to this vital cause. For three years, Joyce adeptly served as a licensor. After a brief hiatus, she answered the call once again, returning just six months later as a Recruitment, Retention and Licensing Specialist. While demanding, the challenging terrain of Foster Care work has now kindled an unwavering passion within her.


Rebekah, the team’s newest addition, brings a fresh perspective and an unwavering determination to make a difference. Originally headed towards a career in special education, Rebekah’s encounter with the challenges faced by kids in foster care sparked a transformative journey. Armed with a Bachelor’s in Social Work from the University of Washington, Rebekah is now on a mission to positively impact the lives of those she serves.

Amanda, center, leading a team meeting.

And at the heart of it all is Amanda, whose passion for the foster care cause has been a driving force since 2004. After persistently pursuing her calling to CYS, she went from supporting behavioral health to becoming a director of Foster Care. With a heart full of love and compassion, Amanda not only fosters but has legally adopted three children, turning her home into a haven for young people.

Did you know?

On average, one in every four youth aging out of the foster care system becomes homeless, facing significant challenges in transitioning to adulthood without stable support systems.

Approximately 30% of youth in the child welfare system identify as LGBTQ+, highlighting the need for foster care programs to emphasize inclusivity and provide specialized support for this vulnerable population.

The average number of placements for children in the CYS therapeutic foster care program is more than 20, which can lead to feelings of instability and the perception that they are not good enough, making the need for stable and supportive foster families even more crucial.

What makes the CYS Foster Care program different?

What sets CYS apart from other organizations is the unwavering commitment to the unique needs of each child they serve. Selective licensing ensures that the program can cater to higher-needs youth with complex traumas, also known as Therapeutic Care, creating an environment where every child feels seen and understood.

“Most of these kids have internalized shame and the idea that they need to be fixed and that they are not good enough,” said Kat.

The foster care team at CYS understands the profound challenges faced by youth in care. Trauma, learned behaviors, and misconceptions can make the journey difficult, but this team perseveres, offering a blend of nurture and structure to help youth thrive. Their dedication shines through as they celebrate the small wins, acknowledging the progress made by every youth, and leaving a positive impact on their lives.

“We work as a team to be that unit around the youth. We are there to support and offer a village to raise the youth,” said Brittany.

CYS embraces a proactive approach to matching youth with loving families, fostering stability and longevity. Through extensive training and support, foster parents are equipped to address the unique needs of the youth they care for, creating a sense of belonging and love that transcends the system’s complexity.

“We just got a call from someone who was a participant in our program 20 years ago,” said Karina. “He wanted to connect with a foster parent in our program that was a huge support to him. This program changed his life. He is now married and has a daughter and said he was the happiest he’s been in his life and told us to keep doing what we’re doing.”

Facing misconceptions head-on, CYS continues to be a pioneer in embracing LGBTQ+ youth and families, ensuring that everyone feels welcomed, loved, and supported. CYS is honored to have participated with All Children All Families for the 4th year.

“We have the privilege of really knowing our kids. Even when a youth is first coming in, we can look at the population of homes we have and try and give them the best fit. We connect with the family. We talk about major issues. We talk about what support they’ll need. We maximize for longevity over immediacy. This is a harder approachbut it is what’s right for the kids and what’s right for the family,” said Amanda.

Can you describe the “ideal” foster parent?

The team agrees that a successful foster family has a unique blend of curiosity, adaptability, and empathy. CYS foster families understand that each youth comes with their own story, and the caregivers respond with compassion and understanding. CYS foster families understand that the behavior exhibited is a survival mechanism from the trauma the youth has experienced. This family is always ready to provide support and a listening ear, offering a voice to the youth and helping them heal.

“We love to see families share their hobbies with the kids. Do you love to kayak, play games or hike? Share those experiences with the youth. We love to see families building pro-social opportunities where kids can experience success and mastery,” said Liz.

To thrive in the unpredictable world of foster care, families embrace what Amanda lovingly calls the “right kind of weird,” welcoming messiness and unpredictability and a culture of willingness to learn and try new things. Patience is a virtue they embody, as they know that building trust and stability takes time. They create an environment of nurture and structure, with high communication and equality in the partnership.

Breaking the Misconceptions

The team works hard to dispel three common misconceptions about the Foster Care program:

Amazing Teens: Teens in CYS foster care are resilient and learning to advocate for themselves. They often distrust adults, and based on their histories, this is easy to see why! Teens are fun to engage with, and once rapport is established and a relationship developed, we see many families strongly bonded with the youth. All youth deserve loving homes and support!

More than Money: While families serving higher needs youth may receive a larger stipend, CYS foster families express a desire to support youth as their primary motivation. Money is not the motivation. Families foster to make a difference, driven by good intentions and a desire to create positive experiences. Fostering is not about the money!

Foster parents are regular people: You do not need to be a superhero or a perfect person to be a foster parent. Foster parents are down-to-earth individuals from diverse backgrounds. Many foster parents have their own lived experience and have overcome challenges through connections and support. Foster parents can be single, married, or cohabitating individuals. With kids or without. With pets or without. Renters or homeowners. Foster parents are people who care!

Do you want to take the next step to becoming a CYS Foster Parent? 

Call CYS Foster Care at 888-R-FOSTER

Do you have these qualities?

  • Nurture and Empathize: Foster parents should exhibit curiosity, empathy, compassion, and the ability to provide boundaries, structure, and understanding to youth who have experienced trauma.
  • Support Prosocial Opportunities: Foster families work to create and support opportunities for youth to experience success and mastery in their interests.
  • Be a part of the team! Work closely with the CYS team, sharing challenges and successes. Work closely with the birth family, including extended family, to support engagement, healing and reunification when possible. Other team members include DCYF Social Workers, Guardian ad-litem(GAL)/CASA, and other community service providers to provide continuous supports for youth in your care.
  • Build a Sense of Belonging: Help youth feel supported, loved, and part of a caring family, even in challenging times.

To anyone considering becoming a foster parent, Amanda had this to say, “Take the opportunity! Reach out to hear about ways that you can become a part of the foster care community! We are regular people looking for regular people to step up and care for youth in their community. It is an experience that will change your life.”