Parents as Teachers (PAT)

PAT- An Evidence-Based Early Intervention Program


PAT is a relationship-based and parenting-focused early childhood home visiting program. It is designed to help parents learn more about parenting and their child’s development, provide support with the challenges of family life, and help identify and address any concerns parents may have about their child. PAT Parent Educators provide home visits twice a month, a monthly group in both Olympia and Centralia, developmental screenings, and resource connections. The PAT program is free and voluntary. PAT works with families until the child is 5 years old. Services are offered in English or Spanish, and in Thurston County and the Centralia and Chehalis area.

Who is eligible for PAT?
  • Families who are pregnant and/or parenting with children ages 0-5
  • Lives in Thurston or Lewis County
The PAT Model includes these components of parent education and family support:
  • Personal Visits
  • Group Connections
  • Developmental Screenings
  • Resource Network

If you have questions about the PAT program at CYS, please contact Jill Madison at (360) 810-1258 or via email.




This program is supported in part by funding from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Families and the Department of Social and Health Services.